Tag Archives: photos of Jerusalem

A couple of funny things seen on the streets of Jerusalem

A few things I noted while out & about in Jerusalem.

Israeli cluelessness when it comes to Christianity/Christmas is something of a running joke in American Jewish communities, and it seems it isn’t all hyperbole. I took this in a housewares/toy store in the middle of the famously “Ultra-Orthodox” Meah Shearim:

Look who came to town

This is an ironic bit of graffiti. It says “Derech Eretz Kadma L’Torah,” which translates roughly to “good character/proper conduct comes before the Torah”:

How do you say “cognitive dissonance” in Hebrew?

And this one is from the square right by our apartment. This is a bench that really doesn’t want to be sat on, and has done something about it:

Unfathomably low, but the trump card of discomfort is the irresistible forward tilt.