Tag Archives: secret Santa

It’s beginning to look a lot like Succos

With Succos coming up quickly (it starts Sunday night), the Rova is a flurry of activity. Palm fronds seem to be the schach of choice. Lulavim and esrogim are for sale around every corner.

People just go ahead and put up their succahs in the public square. Note also the construction activity up on the rooftops.


Carrying the schach up to the succah.


Schach delivery.


Schach for sale by the parking lot, with the Churva in the background.


Engineering around hazards in the landscape.


I got my esrog from a fellow at the yeshiva who was selling them. Here’s some of what he had to choose from.


Lulavim on his table.



Seasonal flags look a little different over here.


In the heat of Succos prep, look who shows up again.


A couple of funny things seen on the streets of Jerusalem

A few things I noted while out & about in Jerusalem.

Israeli cluelessness when it comes to Christianity/Christmas is something of a running joke in American Jewish communities, and it seems it isn’t all hyperbole. I took this in a housewares/toy store in the middle of the famously “Ultra-Orthodox” Meah Shearim:

Look who came to town

This is an ironic bit of graffiti. It says “Derech Eretz Kadma L’Torah,” which translates roughly to “good character/proper conduct comes before the Torah”:

How do you say “cognitive dissonance” in Hebrew?

And this one is from the square right by our apartment. This is a bench that really doesn’t want to be sat on, and has done something about it:

Unfathomably low, but the trump card of discomfort is the irresistible forward tilt.